Choose from the available applications below to begin
Performing work that related to flood damage
Adding a new area to an existing commercial structure.
Remodeling work to the exterior of a commercial structure.
New commercial structure.
Reroof (re-roof) or tear-off project.
Installation of a swimming pool on a commercial property.
A structure such as a cell or radio tower. Includes co-location of antenna.
New residential structure. Do not use for accessory structures, such as a shed, gazebo, or additional dwelling unit.
Remodeling the interior basement or attic of an existing structure.
Remodeling the interior of an existing structure.
Residing or replacement of siding (re-side or re-siding)
Installation of a swimming pool.
Replacement of windows and doors on the exterior of a structure
Adding a new area to an existing residential structure.
For an attached garage or an addition of a garage to another structure.
Constructing or modifying a carport.
Construction or repair of a porch.
Creating or modifying a deck.
A separate, detached garage structure. For attached garages, use Addition permits.
Creating or modifying a fence structure.
New, addition, or modification to a gazebo.
Installation of a hot-tub, jacuzzi, or spa.
New trellis or pergola, modification, addition or repair.
Installation or modification of a swimming pool out-building.
A separate, detached shed structure.
Demolition, removal, or destruction of an existing structure.
Excavation, grading or earthwork contruction.
Fire related irrigation lines or sprinklers
Creating or modifying a retaining wall.
More than 1 acre of land will be disturbed or any part of a development exceeding 5 total acres.
Required for well drilling including septic system installation or repair.
An HVAC, Refrigeration, or other mechanical-related permit.
Installation or repair of plumbing pipes or fixtures.
Event held on Public property
Moving a structure through the municipality.
Placing a temporary structure on a property.
A license is required to operate a business in any dwelling in which overnight accommodations and meals are provided to visitors for compensation
A permit for a food truck.
Location and operate a business from the home.
A Board of Zoning Appeals application for a variance, appeal or a special exceptions.
Incorporating property into the municipality.
Application for a zoning map amendment or rezoning.
Preliminary Plan or Revised Preliminary Plan application.
Application for site devlopment plan or revision to site plan.
A hillside protection site plan application
A minor site plan alteration applciation.
Final subdivision plat application or amendment to existing plat.
Special event application including parades and markets.
Antenna tower permit for cellular networks or other wireless communications.
Seek a variance from contruction code or flood regulations.
Erect a temporary structure of a tent.